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You now have the possibility to specify the export scope in both exports. A new setting is now available in order to influence the page names of the generated pages when placing page macros from the pre-planning navigator. The new Remove method from the Location class allows you to remove an unused structure identifier from a project.

With the IsUsed property you can check beforehand whether the structure identifier is used. Through a new overload of the Mirror method from the Edit class not only graphical elements, but rather all objects, for example symbols, can be flipped around a freely selected flipping axis in the graphical editor. In this context you can optionally select whether a copy of the original objects is created during flipping. MasterData you can now determine the connection category for the connection points of a connection point pattern in the parts management via EPLAN API and change it, if necessary.

The new CreateDatabase method is now available in the ProjectManagement class. This method can be used to create a new Access or SQL Server database for the project management and use it directly.

The subprojects action has been extended. During "Generate project reports" with the GenerateProject method from the Reports class, model views etc. The Macro class contains the new property CustomLayerTable by means of which you can list which user-defined layers a macro contains. Further information You can now also determine the currently selected layout space by means of the selectionset action.

You can now determine which functions of a specific function-related report are output by using the new property Functions from the class ReportBlock. You can now determine which connection point pattern is stored at a part by means of the new property ConnectionPointInfo from the MDPart class.

You can now determine the rotation angle or the coordinates of an offset at 3D objects in a layout space by means of the new RelativeTransformationOfMacro property from the Placement3D class.

The original methods were marked as out-of-date. The actions backup and projectmanagement have been adapted correspondingly. The variables Backup. Medium and ProjectManagement. Medium were also identified as out of date.

In the current version the menu item Publish as well as the associated dialogs for publishing projects have been removed from the EPLAN Platform.

In the course of this redesign the PublishProject method from the PartsService class has been marked as obsolete and should no longer be used. The translate action has been extended. The new Place method is now available in the Function class. This method allows you to place functions from the project data navigators in the schematic.

In the process PLC channels are correctly used, for example. In the user interface, this corresponds to the popup menu item Place.

In the Decider class a new overload of the Decide method exists that allows you to transfer a selection list with multiple entries.

The selection of the commands for the navigators and graphical editors in the user interface of the EPLAN Platform now takes place by means of a ribbon. The following four new classes are available in the namespace Eplan. The MDPartsDatabase class has been extended by the new method GetParts which allows parts to be filtered for different properties. This new method allows to determine the parts found by a field-based filter scheme.

The export of parts now takes place via the MDPartsDatabase class. The previous methods for the export of parts in the PartsService class have been identified as outdated. In the course of this change methods from the class Eplan. PartsService which apply to the parts management were moved to classes within the namespace Eplan.

Masterdata and identified as outdated in the class PartsService. This section provides information about the new symbols that are available to you in the master data as of the current version. This section provides information about the most important modifications for the plot frames and forms. In the Suggested identifiers dialog an identifier set for the standard IEC which considers the modifications of Version is now also available.

A new IEC column was added correspondingly to the dialog. If only the DT component e. This is the same behavior as before Version 2. If the DT component and the additional name element are assigned to the properties in the placeholder object e. Specific values were not output in a terminal diagram when the reports for a terminal were divided by a line break. The faulty elements are logged in the system messages. Check run has been extended. A message is output when the "Function definition" ID property differs at the different representation types of a connection.

During the output of labeling data for the report type "Terminal diagram" an unexpected error message occurred during the usage of a special Excel template which prevented the further export. After a connection test in the Settings: Internet connections dialog it was possible that the icons in the "Status" column were dynamically magnified in an undesired way. These have been corrected. If an object was marked and edited in an undocked navigator for example the property dialog was opened , the marking subsequently no longer existed in the navigator.

For the "CreateProject" method from the "ProjectManager" class, the error message that occurs when the method was called with an outdated basic project has been improved.

The objects covered with a fill surface in the graphical editor were partially still visible. The function definition of the generated connection is now accepted by the multi-line connection point of the source.

During connection numbering the manual sorting sequence of the pages is now taken into consideration when it is relevant for the set format. Multi-line texts which had the "Middle center" setting for both the alignment and the base point in the property arrangement were displayed slightly offset in the layout space.

In specific cases targets of interruption points were not found, if the search extends over multiple interruption points. During the export of pages as DXF files and usage of the default scheme it was possible that specific symbols were exported several times.

During the output of the labeling for the "Cable diagram" report type no values were output during the selection of indexed part properties for the source and target part at the "Type number" format element.

After aligning and formatting connection definition points, the check run also reported connection definition points which were located on an individual connection. When assigning value sets the property arrangement specified for a symbol in the placeholder object was not applied.

The symbol variant and the property arrangement can now be specified simultaneously via a placeholder object.

During the report of a terminal diagram a problem occurred with the display of further layers during the display of jumpers for multi-level terminals. When specific plot frames were opened in the plot frame editor, both the selected plot frame and the plot frame of the opened project were displayed in the graphical preview. During the output of labeling data a language identifier instead of a number is output for the project property Source language for example en-US.

During an export of the missing-word list, no comments were exported for ambiguous texts for which there are different translations. If layout display windows with an invisible frame were located in a DXF file, the contents of this display window were previously not imported. The "Enclosure legend" report could not be updated if the view name of the underlying model view contained square brackets "[]". The project property Highest revision index ID was not offered for selection during the creation of block properties.

While inserting a device or generating terminals as a device it was possible that the number of connection points of the function was changed. This problem occurred when a symbol which had fewer connection points than the associated function definition was entered in the function templates of the part and modifications were made in the connection point logic of the symbol.

The number of connection points of the function now also remains in such a case. If you automatically generate drilling patterns from a macro project and agree to the update during the transfer into the parts management, the existing drilling patterns are no longer generated again, but only updated.

If a rotation angle was set for the part placement in the settings for the 2D panel layout, the handle was located after the placement at a position that did not take the angle setting into consideration. If a complete terminal strip was placed in the layout space from the 3D mounting layout navigator, terminal parts with a number of units "0" were also considered.

Problems occurred when an assembly for which a macro with mounting rail is stored was inserted as a device in the layout space. The assignment of cable cores from the cable navigator behaved differently than the assignment of cable cores from the pre-planning navigator.

Under specific conditions texts combined into a block were not represented correctly during printing. The contents of the property IDs for net-based connections ID could not be deleted manually, and the property could also not be deleted from the property table. When placing a macro in the layout space by means of insertion as a macro or as a device, the property arrangement specified as default for the project was not used - even though the "Default value" was specified for the property arrangement of the associated part placement.

For properties with which the form to be used can be specified Cable assignment diagram form , Cable-connection diagram form , etc. If a stored form is not used in the process, it is stored in the project when the form is assigned via the value set of the function. Under specific conditions, model views were not correctly generated in the desired page structure. If a QR code included texts with accent marks such as Czech characters , these characters were not recognized correctly by mobile devices tablet or smartphone.

During the output of labeling data and the "Summarized parts list" report the cable lengths were added up for several cables even though the Do not use cable when adding up cable lengths property was activated for these cables. Under specific conditions, pages with model views could not be output together with the associated layout space during the PDF export.

A protective cover for busbars could not be placed in the layout space if the product subgroup "Busbar cover" was set for the part. In the case of repeated part selection of a part whose assigned user-defined properties have changed values, the user-defined properties were overwritten at the function without the conflict dialog being opened beforehand.

The "GetValue" method from the "PlaceHolder" class could previously not be used if the project was write-protected. After the placement of macros which are stored at planning objects, auxiliary functions were no longer assigned to the main function in the macro.

This, for example, results in an incorrect designation for connection definition points and device connection points. Module parts with describing structure identifiers were not filtered correctly in the 3D mounting layout navigator. When generating a new SQL database in the Generate SQL server database dialog, the entry for the database could not be inserted via copying and pasting into the Database field.

If the size of a mounting surface on which several mounting aids were located was downsized from bottom to top or from left to right, the mounting aids were moved as well.

When placing planning objects from the pre-planning navigator the symbol stored at the function template was not considered under specific conditions. The Layout space: Connection filter property used the wrong decimal separators. As a result the connection filter did not function. During the placement of a part in the layout space by means of the placement options, an entered offset value was not taken into consideration immediately after the [Enter] button was pressed.

If the Potential type property was changed at a potential definition and reset to "Undefined", the potential type entered was overwritten with the "Undefined" value at the associated connection.

If the contents of blocks were queried by means of the "SubPlacements" property from the "Block" class, a message resulted under specific conditions. The manufacturing data export of a layout space for Rittal-Perforex BC was not possible because of a blank in the name of the layout space. The updating of parts placements in the layout space via the popup menu item Update part placement is now also possible when subordinate components such as cut-outs were added to the stored macro.

Under specific conditions the values of user-defined properties were deleted while Generating project reports. In the dialog Export PLC data the file name extension is now automatically added when the file name is entered without file name extension.

If a file name extension which does not match the selected format is manually entered a prompt is shown. Improvements have been added for the Detect decimal numbers option in the user-specific settings for the dictionary.

For example, for the entry 1-pole only 1 is detected as number. During the output of a rotated model view with automatic dimensioning, specific items were also considered during the zero point determination for dimensioning. This resulted in an undesired offset of the dimension.

During the DXF export specific graphical elements for which the "Background" color was set were not output. In the corresponding color selection, selection possibilities such as "Background", "Inverse to background", etc. The Connection designation ID property can now be changed again via the search results list. Non-unique device connection points multiple device connection points with the same DT and same connection point designation resulted in problems during the PLC target tracking.

This resulted in an unexpected error message. During the simultaneous placement of several devices from the 3D mounting layout navigator a collision message was displayed for activated collision check even though the devices did not collide. If the property texts were moved for a scaled symbol on a graphical page, the property texts for example the visible DT could not be placed on the desired position. During a PDF export the line patterns of specific connections were shown differently from the display on the project page.

Embedded enclosure legends on pages of the "Panel layout" type were deleted during the update of the enclosure legend or during Generate project reports under specific conditions. On a page of the "Panel layout" type the Activate leader line display setting was activated at several part placements for the placed property Legend item. If the option "Like designation" was set in the numbering settings of the PCT loops and PCT loop functions for the product aspect, the product aspects at the PCT loop function were not numbered.

If the structure identifier of a planning object was changed by the numbering, this was not transferred to the placed function of the planning object via the popup menu item Update detailed planning. During the NC export for Rittal Perforex BC the cut-outs of a device were not output because of missing field designations. Empty field designations, for example because of part numbers which are not available, are now ignored. After updating reports, texts in the graphical editor of an opened project were temporarily displayed in the displayed language of a second opened project.

If the popup menu item Insert path variable was selected during the determination of the file name in the settings for the wire fabrication, the Project variables tab was previously not available in the subsequent dialog.

After a part placement in the layout space was updated, an offset occurred during the part placement without the stored macro being significantly modified. A faulty, unused structure identifier could not be deleted anymore in the structure identifier management. If distributed terminals were placed from the terminal navigator or placed as a device, the properties Connection point description , Connection point cross-section and Connection dimension all were not always written at the first terminal connection point.

Like the connection point designations, the values of the connection point descriptions, connection point cross-sections, etc. This correction was also made for using and assigning distributed terminals. During the addressing of PLC connection points it could occur that a carry over for the next address part was not considered. When Updating detailed planning with the setting Place macros again , the functions located in the macros were under specific conditions numbered, even though the option Do not modify was activated in the subsequent dialog Insertion mode.

Assemblies could not be broken up during the generation and updating of embedded enclosure legends. A topology routing path could not be connected to a topology function when this function was part of a group. When Updating detailed planning with the setting Value sets of placeholder objects , incorrect parts were entered at specific main functions in the schematic and the function definition of terminals was changed.

If the displayed measuring unit for lengths was set to "Inch" and a multiple selection of pages was made in the page navigator and the grid was changed, the changed value was not applied to all pages. If the Convert component into graphic command was executed for a symbol, individual settings in the property arrangement for the Invisible display property were not applied in the converted text.

When placing macros with placeholder objects from the pre-planning navigator the images stored in the placeholder objects were only displayed after updating the value sets. Under specific conditions the parameters of the "ProjectAction" action were not evaluated correctly.

The assigning of function templates via the popup menu item Assign function templates in the parts management now also functions again for stored macros that do not contain main functions but only main terminals. During the placement of a macro on a mounting panel with activated object snap and activated orthogonal function an unexpected error message occurred during the placement via mouse-click.

An incorrectly positioned item labeling occurred in a model view when the "Hidden lines" style was used. If several structure boxes or other boxes were placed as polylines next to each other on a project page, it was possible that the DTs of the individual boxes were mixed.

During the PDF export of a project page with a hyperlink that contained Japanese characters, an unexpected error message was shown when trying to open the hyperlink in the exported PDF document. Such a hyperlink now functions. The available, describing structure identifiers were not shown any more under specific conditions after a structure segment was placed on a pre-planning page. Terminals which can be assigned to a planning object are not checked anymore during check run This resulted in too many messages with the old behavior, since the corresponding device as a rule is a terminal strip and the individual terminals can be assigned to different planning objects.

In addition the behavior of the check run for cables has been corrected. This way the corresponding texts are displayed again in the item labeling of model views, where this property is used in a property arrangement for general devices.

In a model view it was possible that the item labeling was rotated by 90 degrees under specific conditions during the transfer of an item labeling from the layout space. The property Delivery length ID is now available as a filter option in the parts management. If the property Multiple cut-out possible ID was deactivated for drill holes on copper rails, the drill holes were shortened during the subsequent moving or inserting via the clipboard.

Since these layers were visible by default, the macro boxes of the macros became visible in the graphical editor. The Visible setting is now deactivated by default for these two layers in the layer management. During global editing of multi-level terminals it was possible that the connection point pattern on the part placement was changed.

When system master data were synchronized, an NC outline was saved in the incorrect directory. Problems occurred during the usage of the orthogonal function while placing devices on the busbar of a busbar system. In a specific case not all jump targets were correctly found after a PDF export of a project with the setting Simplified jump function.

At a cable with multiple auxiliary functions only the jump function for the first cross-reference worked in the graphical editor for vertically arranged cross-references for this auxiliary function.

The activated user-specific setting Update reports when printing and exporting resulted during the PDF export in all layout spaces of the project being exported irrespectively of which selection was made. During the outline check of an extrusion outline in the outline editor a missing outer outline was reported, even though it existed. While Numbering devices in the detailed planning, values for the path function text were overwritten by empty values from the pre-planning for the function text.

In the parts management, the property Image file ID is now also available for the configuration of the list view. While routing connections the entry into the routing path network could not be determined at an item with accessory part under certain conditions and as a result the routing connections could only be generated incompletely. The check run message did not show the defined text at user-defined properties.

If a routing path was inserted below an item, this could result in the subsequently generated routing connections not being routed according to the routing directions in the connection point pattern. When the action "Back up data" was used during automated processing, no user-defined property could be selected here in the subsequent dialog as the path variable among the project variables. The "FunctionFilterSchemaData" property is now determined automatically.

Filtering for automatically entered values of properties was previously not possible, - it now functions. It is now, for example, possible to filter for the value "New page created" of the property Revision description change tracking. This value is automatically entered with enabled change tracking, when a new page is generated. At dynamic symbols the coordinates of the individual connection points could not be correctly determined via the "Location" property from the "Pin" class.

An unexpected error message occurred when an object identifier was selected while copying and pasting pages in the Adapt structure dialog.

The values of the fields in the target project were not correctly output when copying layout spaces with user-defined properties which contained multilingual fields. When placing busbar adapters on a busbar, the adapters could not be placed flush despite activated object snap. The user-specific setting Update device data after the storing of parts is now saved in the scheme of the dialog Settings: Parts user.

The setting is deactivated by default when the dialog is opened. This can, for example, mean that the placement of accessories without dimensions is prevented while placing items in a row. Under specific conditions the property texts were positioned incorrectly when the setting From layout space was used for the output of the item labeling in the model views.

Problems could occur during the repeated entry of texts with special characters and following blanks when the Translate on input option was set in the project settings. Entered texts with special characters and the following spaces now remain.

If new segments were created when importing pre-planning data from Excel, the structures from the segment template were not transferred. Under specific conditions a routing connection was not routed middle center through a defined routing path.

During the revision automatically generated model views were erroneously re-generated. In the process the existing model views were overwritten. If the symbolic address was removed in the property dialog of planning objects in the PLC tab for a PLC input or output and this change was applied, this change was not displayed anymore in the pre-planning navigator for the PLC address. When placing a macro with placeholder objects from the pre-planning navigator, a terminal was numbered even though the terminal designation was supposed to be entered via the set value set.

In projects which contain terminal strips with several terminals in different representation types, the updating of the navigators as well as the placement of the terminals took a long time. This now runs faster.

If a hierarchy level with multiple, subordinate parts was marked in the tree view of the device navigator, not all parts of the device were exported during the output of labeling data for the report type "Parts list". In macro boxes which were drawn as polygons, inner objects were not always detected correctly when they were grouped. The offline numbering removed displayed DTs, which were not necessary but were entered on purpose. If a planning object with assigned part was placed from the pre-planning navigator, the part reference properties were not transferred to the function.

If no value was entered for the Thermal design: Frequency project property, this could lead to a "0" being displayed for this in the reports e. If the handle of a 3D macro was moved by means of the orthogonal function, the handle was moved additionally on the Z axis. In case of a multiple placement of female pins on terminals which are placed on a vertically arranged mounting rail in the layout space, it was possible that the female pins were placed spatially incorrectly.

In placeholder objects it is now possible to move multiple value sets simultaneously on the tab Values by using of the buttons move to the left or move to the right. After re-addressing PLC connection points which occur in different representation types, it was possible in specific cases that the new addresses were not transferred to multi-line PLC connection points.

If user-defined project properties were inserted into a plot frame, the respective displayed name was not displayed anymore because of a block of other properties existing there.

While using the Update detailed planning function, the wire data from the parts was used, even though the wire data was defined in the placeholder object. If no properties were available for a segment during the import of pre-planning data in an Excel file, this resulted in the past in system message S being output. Now, if no properties are available for a segment, this segment is ignored , and no system message is generated. If a segment has at least one property, a check is carried out as before whether an identifying name is available.

The data which are missing is now specified in more detail in the system message. In revisioned projects it was possible that report pages which contain multilingual properties were displayed as changed after updating the report and were provided with revision markers even though the project was not changed. This was due to the fact that not only project languages were considered during the update but all available languages in the parts management.

Now, when updating reports, only the project languages are considered for the multilingual properties.

This way, in new projects, no revision markers are generated in unchanged projects when updating reports. When updating reports in projects which were created with older EPLAN versions, revision markers can still be generated, if, for example, the parts used have more properties in the new EPLAN version.

If devices were rotated around the Z axis in the layout space and subsequently moved, it was possible that the device was rotated into the initial position again. On a copper rail which was placed as a macro in the layout space, the mounting surface on the copper rail between the subsequently inserted bending positions could not be extended. Projects from even older versions Version 2. If a copper rail was inserted as a device, the settings for the part placement in the dialog for the placement options could not be selected.

When Updating detailed planning with the setting Update value sets of placeholder objects the changed values from the pre-planning were not transferred to the placeholder object in the placed page macro.

Terminals can also be entered as distributed terminals by inserting devices in the project. A standard symbol is used if no symbol is specified in the corresponding function template. If a distributed terminal was inserted in this way and subsequently the symbol was changed using the [Backspace] , the connection number of the first distributed terminal was set to the value "1".

During the automatic generation of drilling patterns from a macro project, the page on which the drilling pattern frame was located was used instead of the selected drilling pattern frame. In the parts management you can determine in the drilling pattern of a part using the setting Always make that the drill holes specified in the drilling pattern are always generated on the next highest mounting surface. This means that if a part with this setting is placed on a rail or a support, drill holes are generated on the mounting panel in such a case.

If parts with this setting were placed on a busbar system, this did not work correctly. Different values for specific placeholder texts were output and placed on top of each other during the output of a terminal diagram. For properties with specific filed types the "ToDouble" method from the "PropertyValue" class resulted in rounding errors.

With a larger number of editors the assignment of users to workspaces did not function in the dialog Define defined working sections as administrator. If the setting Do not use anymore was activated for a user-defined property in the configuration after an import of user-defined properties into the parts management, all other imported properties were subsequently deleted.

In the Rights field the associated right Call up multi-user monitor is located below the subject area System configuration. When changing from the normal representation to the simplified representation it was possible that terminal strips in the layout space which are placed on inclined mounting rails were not displayed correctly. When using a specific plug housing with insert, problems occurred with the entry point into the routing path network when routing, and the resulting connection was routed incorrectly.

The edge width which was set for a model view did not function in a project. Instead of a "0", nothing was displayed for a placeholder text with integer value when reporting a device tag list.

When manually changing the dimension of multiple simultaneously selected model views the scale was only changed for one model view. Problems could occur if the same segment template was entered as a subordinate segment template at a segment template. It is now no longer possible to create nested segment templates which reference themselves. In the case of a mounting rail with multi-level terminals that was mounted obliquely on a mounting panel, an incorrect course occurred during routing for the connections of the middle levels.

When generating a cable overview a wrong header was output for a specific cable after switching pages. The check run did not correctly consider parts from accessory lists if accessory lists were assigned to a part in the parts management multiple times.

During the output of labeling data for the report type "Connection list" the specified sorting for specific properties was not taken into consideration. If the input box was activated when inserting 3D macros, the information in the displayed input box was not updated when the macro variant was switched with the [Tab] key. During the NC export of manufacturing data in DXF format the selection made was not always taken into consideration.

In these cases the entire project was output. When bundling connections it was possible that not all specified sort criteria were taken into consideration. Up to 64 property arrangements can be created for a symbol variant in the symbol editor.

However, previously only 32 property arrangements could be displayed in the graphical editing in the property dialog for the respective symbol variant. In the Function templates tab, for plug definitions and terminal strip definitions, data could erroneously be entered for some properties that relate to individual terminals or pins such as e. As of Version 2. In the past the source and target of the cable could also be output by means of placeholder texts, alternatively to these properties.

When generating schematics with activated setting Place several macros on one page the placed functions under specific conditions did not apply the device tags from the pre-planning. Instead device tags with subcounters arose. If multiple macros are placed on a page during the detailed planning, it was possible that macros which were not assigned to the respective planning object were also updated during Update detailed planning with the setting Update value sets of placeholder objects.

During the export of manufacturing data for labeling labels, a specific format element was selected for the label while a scheme was created. After the format element had been edited, however, a totally different format element was displayed instead of the one that was originally selected. During macro updating macros the positions of path function texts were swapped.

If several projects were opened, the popup menu item Synchronize selection for a marked function was not executed at an opened search result list. In a model view problems occurred during the display of an item labeling which can only be read from below in the layout space. While moving a mounting point, not only the position but also the hierarchy level in the item hierarchy and thus the item allocation were changed.

Different problems occurred when copying layout spaces with user-defined properties. If a project template was created from a project with macro boxes, it was possible that the created, new projects were incomplete when this project template was used.

If a 3D macro was created from grouped objects in the layout space of a macro project, the grouping was not available anymore when this macro was inserted in a schematic project. Problems could occur when part numbers were inserted via copying and pasting from an external list into the Edit terminal strip dialog.

During updating of a parts list, the block properties of a part definition point were no longer output. Projects with dots in the backup file name could not be saved under specific conditions.

Now a backup is only not possible when the backup file name ends with a dot and 3 digits. Such a backup file name is reserved for partial backups. During the output of labeling data for the report type "Summarized parts list" a different number of plugs was exported depending on the selection. If external documents are displayed as QR code on report pages, these external documents were now copied again to the output directory with a PDF export with activated setting Copy externally linked documents to output directory.

During the import of user-defined layers in the layer management it was possible that layers were imported several times or not at all. If a group was marked in the graphical editor and subsequently the popup menu item Synchronize selection was selected, problems occurred with an opened message management.

When a macro is placed, not the entire contents of the macro were assigned to the macro. Therefore already placed consumers were not fully updated during "Update detailed planning". When pages with a page scale unequal were output during the PDF export, this could mean at blocks of combined elements for example rectangles, lines that the graphic in the output PDF was covered by lines which were too wide.

If the value set is changed for a placeholder object of a placed macro, the changed plug designation is now transferred again to all device connection points placed next to each other. During the execution of the check run it was possible that different values were reported for the property Suppl. This indexed property can occur in older projects and is not visible on the user interface. The property is now excluded from the check.

During the placement of a busbar connection point in the layout space, not only the connection point which is entered in the connection point designation of the symbol was generated, but all connection points stored in the connection point pattern. If source and target were exchanged before the export for the wire fabrication for connections, the affected connections had to be re-routed in the past so that the wire termination processing was taken into consideration correctly.

The assignment of PLC connection points now also functions again for PLC connection points with a variable number of connection points. When you clicked the search field in the browser window during the initial opening of the EPLAN Data Portal the cursor was not visible. During "numbering devices" in the schematic, functions were also numbered which belong to a planning object without structure identifier. When updating cable planning objects and when placing macros which are stored at cable planning objects, the sequence of already placed cable cores was changed.

If a macro which was generated as a protected group was copied and pasted on a schematic page, an unexpected error message occurred. If the popup menu item Update detailed planning was executed for piping planning objects and the Update piping data setting was activated in the subsequent dialog, this could result in a faulty display of the flow direction.

If placeholder texts with specific formatted properties were used in the forms, no values were displayed for the placeholder texts after the reporting. If an action with an "ActionCallingContext" was inserted in a script as a parameter, this resulted in a message.

If a mounting rail was placed in a layout space on a user-defined rail, the drill holes of the mounting rail were not displayed in the output 2D drilling view. During the "Generate project reports", new pages of the type "Model view" were generated under certain conditions without the old pages already generated being deleted. During the output of labeling data for the report type "Summarized parts list" no data was output for a terminal marked on a project page.

If a multiple selection was made in the graphical editor and the popup menu item Synchronize selection was selected, problems could occur when the message management was open.

Under certain conditions no part selection could be executed in the placeholder objects for variables which are assigned to part numbers.

Items in the layout space for example cable ducts, mounting rails, etc. When project pages were generated by placing page macros from the pre-planning navigator, conductors were subsequently no longer assigned to the cable in the macro.

If the mounting point was selected while placing a cut-out on a mounting point in the subsequent selection list, an unexpected error message occurred. By default subdirectories are not considered anymore when searching for outlines during the master data synchronization.

As a result the performance while synchronizing master data has improved. When placing terminals with accessories on a terminal strip in the layout space, the sequence of the accessories is now considered correctly again. The routing of connections now also functions again when only the busbar connection points adapter are marked in the layout space from the items "Terminals" and "Busbar connection points" which are connected to each other in the multi-line schematic.

The [ The selection is carried out in the subsequent dialog in which all names already assigned are listed. The new setting Invert white graphical elements is now available in the dialog Settings: Print when black and white printing is activated. If this check box is selected, graphical elements which have been assigned the EPLAN color numbers 8, , , and are output in black.

A corresponding setting is also available in the dialogs for the PDF and image file export. Under certain conditions it was not possible to open a popup menu in a navigator. If the project properties are being edited by a user and another user opens the same project, the dialog Multi-user conflict is now displayed instead of a message. The importing of edz files with user-defined properties could take very long.

To speed this up a change was carried out in the creation of the export file. The field type was changed at many properties for Version 2.

During the entry of values for example for the Technical characteristic field this could result in the entered decimal separators "," or ". The values defined in a connection filter are now applied again to all highlighted routing paths in the layout space or in the topology.

In Version 2. Multi-line plugs from the "SPECIAL" symbol library were not displayed anymore on the page in the graphical editor after the symbol selection. The "ExportProductionWiring" action can be used to export manufacturing data into different formats for the wire fabrication. During importing in the AutomationML format, parts are also assigned for which the PLC type designations only differ by a different number of blanks - if there is no part with exactly matching PLC type designation.

After a correction, the setting Display full structure identifier in cross-reference for interruption points in Version 2. The cross-reference abbreviation rules for functions which refer to the full DT now function again. During synchronization of parts of stored project parts with monolingual user-defined properties into another parts database, existing values were not applied.

After a modification at an outline extrusion problems occurred during the subsequent placement as a user-defined rail. When routing connections in a wiring system, incorrect results occurred in some cases during the calculation of the routing direction.

When using user-defined toolbars in connection with the rights management it was possible that icons and the associated commands could not be assigned correctly to each other. After the part selection of updated parts, data was changed at the functions in the schematic, even though the "Retain" option was selected in the conflict dialog opened in the meantime.

In addition an unexpected system error message occurred. During routing, a routing direction could not be determined for all routing connections. During the output of labeling data, breaks were output although the Apply line breaks setting was deactivated. The master data synchronization now also takes into consideration such outlines NC and Extrusion that are located in subdirectories of the macro directory.

While inserting dynamic symbols with polylines problems occurred when the object snap was activated. The determination of the routing direction has been optimized for the routing of connections in a wiring system. During the multiple placement of auxiliary switches on the left-hand side of an associated power circuit breaker it was possible that the auxiliary switches were placed into each other.

While registering add-ons, master data was not copied under specific conditions. If guide rails were inserted as logic elements in the outline editor for extrusions, the counter for the guide rails did not start with "1", as with the other logic elements, but depending on the number of other logic elements for example mounting surfaces already inserted.

During the placement of a terminal strip with labels on a mounting rail, the terminals were not placed correctly at the first terminal. The Highest revision index change tracking property is only determined when the project contains revisions. As a result the performance while closing projects has improved. If user-defined NC outlines were edited subsequently, these could not be updated in the projects in which the NC outlines were placed as cut-outs of the type "From drilling pattern".

The NC outlines are now updated after a master data synchronization. During the import of PLC configuration data in the AutomationML format the identifier is now automatically added if it is not available in the import file. The identifier is determined from the format for the PLC addresses which is stored in the scheme used for the PLC-specific settings.

If the "IncludedElements" property was erroneously set for the "ViewPlacement" class, the model view 2D drilling view of a drilling pattern could not be updated. If devices were placed on mounting rails from extrusion outlines, differences could occur for the placed devices, depending on whether the outlines for the mounting rails were stored in the Mounting data tab or in the Technical data tab in the parts management.

In a report of the type "Parts list" cutting list decimal places were displayed for a length, even though no decimal places were set in the associated placeholder text in the formatting properties. When placeholders with formatted properties were used in forms, problems occurred with the display of decimal separators after the generation of reports on the report pages.

During the export of parts data from the class "PartsService" by means of the "ExportPartsListFromSystem" method no user-defined properties were exported.

During the output of labeling data for the report type "Device tag list", a line break was always output, even if the Apply line breaks setting was deactivated in the associated labeling scheme. If the parts in the project are older than in the parts database, the newer data is stored in the project during a parts database synchronization. The new user-specific setting Update device data after the storing of parts can be used to determine whether the device data in the project should be updated as well or not.

If the check box in the dialog Settings: Parts user is activated, the newer device data is also transfered to the main functions that use these parts, in addition to the parts data synchronization. If the check box is deactivated, no device data is updated in the project. Individual graphical elements were not included in the output for black and white printing. These are graphical elements that are, for example, displayed in white or black when the color scheme setting "Black" is set in the graphical editor.

So that these elements also appear in the output, graphical elements with the EPLAN color numbers 8, , , and are now output in black when the "Print in black and white" setting is activated during printing and during the PDF and image file export. Menu items created by script are now listed again in the dialog for specification of the shortcut keys under "Select command".

If the table of contents needs to be updated after a change of the date format, the date is now shown again in the set date format. The restrictions with regard to the inclination of texts have been deactivated for the display of the item labelings in the model views. This way the item labelings that were only readable from the top in the layout space are displayed again.

If the 3D macro of a placed item is removed and then reselected, the subsequent update of the part placement now does not result in a position change for the item anymore.

During the multiple placement of items the assignment of legend positions has been accelerated. This way the placement takes part faster. Pages of the type "External document" were under certain conditions not output anymore during the PDF export. While opening the Edit in table dialog the selected functions are now displayed faster again - even for comprehensive projects. When devices are inserted into the layout space, structure identifiers from the stored 3D macro are no longer applied for the part placements located below an enclosure and the Displayed DT field remains empty.

During the display of a contact image for example for coils the display properties for the first and second part were displayed swapped. The placement area in the stored macro is considered again while inserting a module as a device into a layout space. When the object snap is activated, only the circle center is found as the snap point again at the handle of a macro box.

While working in the parts management with an SQL parts database, an unexpected error message occurred while importing translated parts texts. For the function of routing connections across routing ranges it was previously not planned that the routing range could be located on mounting surfaces that slope.

During the placement of items in the layout space not all available mounting surfaces were automatically activated when the cursor was moved over the surfaces or items under certain conditions.

These check runs for example , "Connection between different bus systems" therefore took a long time in projects that contain many multi-line bus ports. This has been improved. Menu items that were added to the user interface via the "AddMenuItem" method could not be displayed in some cases. During the placement of a part the data from the stored macro are now taken into consideration again for the protective cover of a busbar support. Problems occurred in the part master data navigator while working with the full-text filter.

When the rights management was used with imported Active Directory groups, problems occurred if the users belonged to other domains. InvalidHandleException" type occurred under specific conditions. In the Designation tab of the Settings: Connection numbering dialog you specify the format for the connection designations. When the format for the counter is specified you now additionally have the possibility to have the counter reset when the schematic path changes.

The new Schematic path check box is available in the Settings: Counter reset range dialog to this purpose. For many properties for parts, functions, connections, etc. Therefore the representation of the decimal separators now complies with the settings of the operating system. This means that not the entered decimal separators "," or ". Search results are now shown more quickly through an improved search function. Easily accessible selectors and configurators of leading component manufacturers have also been integrated.

The parts database of the parts management has been updated for Version 2. Updated old and new from 2. During the import of parts data into the parts management the eCl ss Version 9. Information during the import of files with a higher AutomationML version. An import file in AutomationML format is always imported irrespective of the AutomationML version with which the file was created. In this case it is possible that not all the data contents are imported. The [Apply] button is now also available in the Model view , Unfold and Drilling view dialogs.

This way you can check a modified item labeling or other modifications of the view faster without having to constantly close or open the respective dialog.

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After a Microsoft Office update e. This has been corrected. According to information from Microsoft, this issue will be addressed in another Microsoft Office update in the near future. When registering add-ons with integrated API add-ins, problems could occur under certain conditions when customizing the ribbon. The Chromium component "CefSharp" has been updated to the current version During the import of parts data the values of some properties for example ERP number were overwritten even though a protection was specified for these properties in the scheme for the field assignment.

During the import of multiple property arrangements in the property dialog it was possible that this procedure was aborted. If an action was performed such as, for example, selecting pages in very large projects with an open graphical preview in the page navigator, this could lead to EPLAN only responding again after a few seconds.

During the export of manufacturing data for the wire fabrication in the "Rittal - WireTerminal WT" format the values for the Dual sleeve prescribed property were exchanged under specific conditions for connections that existed as daisy chains. If a connection list was output as a report while working with project groups and the name of the project selected in the Connection list Total dialog in the Page navigator field, EPLAN was terminated unexpectedly.

When creating a user-defined property configuration for project properties it was possible that EPLAN was terminated unexpectedly. If parts data was exported as an XML file and later imported again into a parts database, it was possible that after the import variants without function templates had the same function templates as the first variants of the parts.

If an SQL server database was set for the parts management, the filter did not work. If the dialog for printing was called up for a project without pages, EPLAN was terminated unexpectedly. This now works again. During the search for values with blanks in the parts management problems occurred if there was more than one blank in the value.

Selecting a page in the tree of the page navigator by entering the first number of the page name now also functions again when the number block of the keyboard is used. If identifiers were moved by one position by means of the arrow buttons Move up and Move down in the tree of the structure identifier management, the marker of the selected structure identifier was lost in the tree.

If a QR code with a specific block property that contains format elements for the page was inserted in a form, the QR code on the generated report pages was calculated incorrectly in the project.

If the Manufacturer property was used for the tree configuration in the parts management and if it was not the last node in the tree view, not all parts were displayed. In Version Update2 the display of the path division in the graphical editor did not work when the command Schematic paths was used. If the [ For terminals to which an assembly is assigned as a part, no terminal designation has been output in the "Summarized parts list" report when a terminal strip definition was simultaneously available for the respective terminal.

The value of a user-defined property which is defined as a part reference property is now output again in the parts list for terminals to which a broken-up assembly is assigned as a part. There was a problem during the updating of stored device data when using the part selection via API. If the Procurement property was selected as a further column in the parts management during configuration of the list, no parts were displayed in the list afterwards anymore.

In the future, this will no longer be the case. The date will only be changed if any data changes due to the update of the project. In the tree of the page navigator you can now select a page again by entering the first number or the first character of the page name. This also applies for the selection of other objects layout spaces, devices, etc. The performance when working with the new parts management has been improved for example with large data amounts, for the filtering by part numbers, etc.

If a part number was entered manually in the Edit terminal strip dialog or when editing in tables for a terminal it was possible that the part variant had an undefined value. Now the part variant is set again to the default value "1" in this case. If a user-defined tree configuration with multilingual property was used for the part selection, a part which was already assigned to a function was not pre-selected in the tree during the part selection.

If an accessory list was selected in the Accessories tab of the parts management, only accessory lists could be selected for a further accessory selection, but not parts. In the process display problems occurred in some languages. To use existing user-specific ribbons you can, for example, convert these in the default text editor Notepad into the format "UTF LE". Only a limited number of values could be copied from Microsoft Excel and pasted for editing in a table.

For assigned structure segments which already existed in the pre-planning, the connection to the placeholder object is removed. In the dialog Format for block properties, the two fields Navigation and Preview are now adapted to the size of the dialog. This means that with longer texts you do not have to work with scroll bars anymore to fully read this information. If table cells were copied in the property tables, it was possible that the column headers were copied as well even though they were not marked.

Now the column headers are only copied into the clipboard if they are also marked. As part of this change the contents of the clipboard are now saved in HTML format when copying table cells. This way the column header is also inserted by default when a copied table cell is inserted in Excel.

If you want to insert only the text of the table cell, you have to insert the contents of the clipboard as text without formatting by using the "Paste Special" command in Excel.

In the Insert center tags with a dot in the name were not saved correctly. The dialog Rename which allows you to assign an image file when customizing the ribbon has been expanded for this purpose with the buttons and. The button is used to open a selection dialog where you can select and import the desired image file. Only svg graphics can be used. When customizing the ribbon, a Tooltip and a description can now be specified for actions. To this purpose the Rename dialog for actions should be extended with the corresponding fields.

In Version Update1 the designations of these fields are only displayed in English. Extension of the class "RibbonCommandGroup" for the assignment of user-defined images. If multiple layout spaces were copied in a project and inserted into another project using the Clipboard and existing layout spaces were overwritten in the process, it was possible that items such as, for example, a mounting panel were not displayed in a copied layout space even though they were available in the layout space navigator.

It is now possible to query and specify the field type for user-defined properties in parts management by means of the new property " FieldType " from the class " MDUserDefinedPropertyDefinition ".

Because such commands are assigned to different command groups depending on the context opened editor , problems arose when such a command was added to the toolbar. This has been solved.

In the past all macros were checked. To accelerate the macro collection update, the update now only takes place for the new macro. The remaining macros of the macro collection are not checked. In scripts you can now also access the parts management and, for example, edit the properties of parts. In the name space Eplan. MasterData the required classes are available.

When a device is placed on a mounting panel in the 2D panel layout the dimensions stored at the part are now considered again for the setting Macro and dimensions from parts master data when the macro of the part does not contain the correct representation type. This now works. During the part selection a part can now be transferred again to the property dialog with a double-click. Exit was executed, without the [Enter] key or the [Spacebar] being selected.

If block editing was performed for several main functions or connections and a part number was entered manually there, a memory access violation occurred under specific conditions. This lead to the selected part only being entered at the first main function or connection. During the change of standard symbols which were partially outside the plot frame were not taken into consideration. The graphic at the cursor is now visible again immediately when symbols are inserted by means of shortcut keys e.

When using an SQL server for the parts database it happened under specific conditions when the parts management was opened that the SQL database was set to the single-user mode and remained in this mode. The performance when assigning parts data has been improved for the Synchronize devices dialog which is opened during the import of device data.

If this procedure takes some time, a progress bar is now displayed. During the DXF export of terminal diagrams an incorrect display of jumpers occurred on the output pages. When placing accessory parts, an incorrect placement occurred under certain conditions. When repeatedly importing property arrangements in the Configure property arrangements dialog, property arrangements were created multiple times under certain conditions. When inserting accessories, 3D macros with only a variant B were ignored.

The new Insert center allows you to insert different objects such as symbols, devices as well as window and symbol macros directly via a shared dialog onto project pages or into layout spaces. In addition the dialog provides various quick access possibilities which allow you to accelerate the design stage. You can now choose between light and dark design for the user interface. Commands for the navigators and graphical editors are now no longer selected via menu and toolbars, but by means of a ribbon.

This ribbon is similar in functionality and structure to the ribbons known from Microsoft Office products. As part of the redesign of the user interface with new elements such as the Ribbon and the Quick access toolbar there is also a new dialog Customize to make user-specific customizations at these elements. The specification of shortcut keys is now no longer carried out by means of a settings dialog but while customizing the ribbon or the quick access toolbar. To this purpose you can branch to the new subsequent dialog Customize shortcut keys by using the button [Customize] in the Customize ribbon tab of the Customize dialog.

The previous settings dialog has been removed. The selection of a workspace now takes place via a button in the ribbon. By clicking the button you open a drop-down list in which you can select the desired workspace. You can have a menu bar with the "old" menus from Version 2. Previously the pages, layout spaces, etc. Now you have the possibility to also define undocked editors as main working windows. The popup menu item Main working window is available to this purpose in the title bar of the respective editor.

An editor activated as a main window is highlighted by a blue frame. The solutions of the EPLAN Platform offer the Backstage view as a new feature - the functionality to comfortably edit, back up, organize, print and pass on your projects. You are already familiar with such a Backstage view from Microsoft Office products.

As part of the redesign of the user interface different functionalities that refer to the work with projects were moved to the Backstage view. In the course of the redesign of the user interface many dialogs in which you select a file or a directory for example Open project , Open form , Select folder have been adapted to a modern Windows "look and feel".


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